Improved Safety Through Automation
By: Scott Collin
When it comes to workplace safety, Automation can be a great addition to your factory floor.
Automation can be used to replace repetitive work. Highly repetitive work can result in repetitive strain injuries. Automation can also be used to replace some of the most high-risk work-related tasks.
The Government of Canada Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) states:
“The most recent statistics from the Association of Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada (AWCBC) tell us that in 2018, 1027 workplace fatalities were recorded in Canada, an increase of 76 from the previous year. Among these deaths were 27 young workers aged 15-24.
Add to these fatalities the 264,438 accepted claims (an increase from 251,508 the previous year) for lost time due to a work-related injury or disease, including 33,058 from workers aged 15-24, and the fact that these statistics only include what is reported and accepted by the compensation boards, there is no doubt that the total number of workers impacted is even greater.”
How do you identify those specific areas on your factory floor that could benefit from improved safety through automation?
Your Joint Health and Safety Committee can be a great resource as a starting point. Many of the hazards and risks on your factory floor have likely already been identified by the committee.
If you do not already have an expert in safety through automation on your staff, then an outside firm could be of assistance. Several companies including Carney Fabricating will help perform safety audits to identify risks and opportunities to reduce those risks through automation.
In addition to the benefit of improve safety through automation many of the costs associated with these upgrades can be recovered with improved efficiencies through automation.
Scott Collin is the Director of Automation at Carney Battery Handling Ltd. and is a licensed Master Electrician.
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