Frequently Asked Questions, Quick Fixes and Official CBH Product Info is Just a Search Away.  


How long will it take for me to receive a quote?

We know your time is valuable. We take pride in responding to quote requests within 24-48 hours; if we’re unable to provide a quote in that period due to the details required for a custom request, we will reach out and respond to you with an update on the status of your request.

I need a modified/custom-built product; can you help?

We’ve become renowned for developing high-quality custom or hybrid solutions for unique and specific sites and operational requirements. We can help you review, optimize and customize your material handling equipment.

We're located overseas. Can you ship to us and provide customer support for your products?

Yes, we can make shipping arrangements for anywhere worldwide and are proud to support our products through our global distribution network.


What is a battery tugger?

A CBH battery tugger is a high-efficiency, mobile battery changer that utilises an electro-magnet to extract forklift batteries and carefully transfers them into charging racks.

How big does my forklift fleet need to be to benefit from a battery wash system?

CBH provides battery wash systems for battery fleets of all sizes. We offer packages that accommodate low to high-volume battery systems with 100PSI wash pressure and a flow rate of 16GPM.

When do you need a fully automated battery exchange system?

Automated CBH products like the BBE-FA is ideal for managing larger fleets where frequent changes are needed, or several spare batteries are kept on hand for shift changes. The MAC has been developed for use with Automated Guided vehicles (AGVs)

Are battery roller stands customizable?

Absolutely, our comprehensive range of roller stands includes single, double, triple and quad configurations and are available in custom length, custom roller height, custom charger shelves and in various colours.

What is a Gantry Crane? And what type do I need?

Gantry Cranes are free-standing A-frame structures with a single or double girder running across from one A-frame to another supporting a trolley and hoist. A  gantry crane can be permanently floor mounted or portable. The overhead lifting system allows workers to quickly and easily move products. They take little time to assemble, and their height and span can be adjustable, accommodating a wide range of applications. On top of being portable, our gantry cranes have standard designs to handle loads as heavy as 40,000 lbs.

Do I need battery room ventilation?

YES, proper ventilation is crucial to the health and safety of your battery room and your staff. Lead-acid batteries release hydrogen gas that can be explosive and hazardous, so battery rooms must be adequately ventilated to prevent the build-up of hydrogen gas.

How long does it take to change a battery manually without a battery changer?

Too long, we offer a plethora of battery-changing equipment explicitly built to reduce strain on employees and save time. Click here to find a product that works for your operation or visit the Carney Fabricating website for custom material handling solutions.


I’ve placed an order but haven’t received my confirmation?

Our order confirmations are automatically sent via email; check your spam folder to ensure you didn’t miss it!

How do I contact the service team directly?

Contact our service team via email at or call us any weekday from 8:00 – 4:30 at 905-564-0303

How do I know which spare parts I need?

Every CBH order comes with a product manual that includes a list of recommended spare parts and service, request another copy here

I need Shipping information; how do I get it?

When your order is assigned a courier, packaged and shipped, you’ll receive a confirmation via email with a tracking number.

How do I track my order once it has shipped?

Review your shipping confirmation, visit the courier website and input the provided tracking number for a shipment update.

Battery rooms

Why do I need a battery room?

If you operate your MHE fleet with spare batteries, you need a dedicated place to change the batteries out of the trucks. This procedure will involve lifting or pulling the batteries using specialized equipment such as a ‘Tugger’ or change cart; it may also utilize another forklift. It is also necessary to store the batteries during the 8-12 hours recharge period, which must be electrically connected to a battery charger.

In many cases, it is also necessary to have a forced extraction system to manage the gases produced by conventional lead-acid batteries during the charging process. This requirement is dependent on the kW size of the battery fleet, and the regulations should be checked in the country of use as the conditions do differ.

What can I do to minimize the size of a battery room?

Get your battery handling expert involved as early as possible when designing the building or planning the size and location of the battery room. Carney can provide expertise in the design of single to 6 level change & charge systems which can radically reduce the footprint of your battery room. This means you retain more of your floor space for your core business.

Does a battery room always need to be staffed?

It depends on how many batteries are changed per shift and who has been trained to perform the battery change competently. The truck drivers can complete the battery change in smaller operations that use manual transfer carts or a battery tugger. It is normal to have a dedicated operator in larger battery rooms with 30+ batteries that utilize a man-aboard transfer cart. This can add costs to the battery change operation; however, a thoroughly competent operator will prevent costly damage to trucks, batteries and associated infrastructure.

It is now possible to eliminate the cost of dedicated operators with Carney’s BBE Fully Automated battery change system. This system, which has been used in the AGV market since 2004, has been adapted for use with mainstream MHE and offers an attractive ROI and more or less removes asset damage.

What equipment is needed in a battery room?

You will need battery chargers, battery charging racks, and some type of battery-changing machine which can be manually operated, power-assisted or fully automated. You will need a suitably sized electrical supply and distribution setup and depending on fleet size, you may need a ventilation system.

To protect against accidents involving battery acid, It is also strongly advised to have safety equipment such as an eyewash station, emergency shower, and acid spill kits. 

Do I size the battery room for our annual peak shipment demands when renting additional equipment during peak season?

Future-proofing is a crucial consideration when Carney designs your battery room. This principle will explore the size of the core fleet, the seasonal peak fluctuations (such as harvest time or Christmas), and the maximum potential size of the fleet in the future. The room should then be sized, considering these factors.

How much energy will the battery room consume per annum?

The battery room will be one of your business’s largest electrical consumption areas. You refuel each time you plug a battery or truck into the charger for 8-10 hours. The actual energy the room will use will depend on a few factors:

1. How many batteries are on charge

2. What state of charge are the batteries

3. Can your operation accommodate an intelligent fleet management system?

For accurate consumption calculations contact our design team at

Get in Touch

Office: 1 (905) 564-0303
Toll Free: 1 (866) THE-BULL
Fax: 1 (905) 564.0313

Open Hours

Monday – Friday: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm

Our Office

14 Regan Road, Unit 2A
Brampton, Ontario 
L7A 1B9 Canada

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